How to Become a Successful Nutrition Coach (What You Need to Know!)
Are you passionate about health, fitness, and sports? Do you believe that you are what you eat? If you are excited about helping people live a better life through healthier eating, being a nutrition coach may be the perfect career for you!. Here’s how to turn your passion for nutrition into a rewarding, life-changing career.
What do Nutrition Coaches Do?
Very simply, a nutrition coach reviews an individual’s current diet, they analyze it along with their health and fitness goals, and they develop an action plan.They also look at the underlying desires and beliefs behind their eating behaviors. This requires an extensive knowledge of nutrition along with coaching skills to help people make the behavioral changes to achieve their goals.

What Inspired you to want to Become a Nutrition Coach?
Did you experience a personal situation where nutrition provided transformational results? Maybe you saw a friend or family member who was suffering and realized life-changing results after a nutritional regimen. Whatever got you excited about the power of nutrition, it’s thrilling to apply that passion towards empowering others.
Want to debunk popular food myths?
Want to help people shop smarter and buy healthier foods on a budget?
Want to help people tap into the power of food to heal?
Want to help people lose weight?
Want to provide relief to people suffering with chronic ailments?
Want to help people realize better energy and stamina?
Want to help people stabilize their moods?
What to help people have better memory and focus?
Want to improve someone’s performance?
Or maybe it just comes down to a basic desire to change lives…
Good nutrition is a part of any healthy lifestyle. Yet so many people fail to eat properly. Healthy food has the power to help individuals lose weight, fight chronic disease, and enjoy better fitness. Yet so many people don’t understand how to embrace the power of food for their lives. That’s where a nutrition coach comes in.
Eating the right foods boosts health in a number of ways from weight loss to chronic disease and just helping people look and feel their best.
Who Needs a Nutrition Coach?
Better health is all about knowing what you are putting on your plate and what it can do for you. A nutritionist advises individuals on how food and nutrition can affect their health and wellness. A nutrition coach works with groups and individuals to help them achieve their nutrition goals. Let’s look at who some ideal clients that you could work with as a nutrition coach are.
Athletes and Sports Teams. A sports nutrition coach can help athletes to improve their power and performance. They will review an athlete’s current diet. They may perform some metabolic tests. They will create nutritional guidelines for pre, performance, and post performance. They will monitor proper hydration and nutritional fueling needs. Plus they will recommend the best vitamin supplements for desired results.

Hollywood Actors. When actors and actresses need to get ripped fast for a role, they turn to nutritional coaches to help them trim down while bulking up. You can coach clients to eat clean and fuel their body to burn fat more efficiently.
Weight Loss Clients. A weight loss coach needs to understand not only the individuals current diet, but also the emotional behaviors unlying it. Therefore, the most successful weight loss plans involve both diet but also behavioral therapy.
Cancer Clients. A cancer nutrition coach understands how to use food as medicine and a healing tool. They help individuals to detox with vegan raw living foods and superfoods to restore order in the body and heal degenerative disease.
Diabetes Clients. Understanding how food can affect your A1C helps individuals to gain better control of their diabetes. A nutrition coach can help them make simple changes in their diet to improve their health.
Chronic Disease Clients. A healthy diet may promote the prevention and reversal of chronic diseases including heart disease, lung disease, cerebrovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and kidney disease.
Skills it Takes to Be a Successful Nutrition Coach
Having the knowledge and experience to be a nutrition coach will put you at the top of your game. It’s one thing to be book smart about nutrition, but when you have experienced personally the life changing difference nutrition can make it positions you for strength as a coach.
It doesn’t necessarily require a certification or degree to become a nutrition coach. You don’t need to have a college degree in nutrition to become a nutrition coach. However having a knowledge of metabolism and biochemistry can be an advantage.
The best asset you can have is a track record of getting results. Start first with getting results in your own life, then follow with applying this same methodology to clients and getting results too.
Learn about how to build a successful nutrition coaching business. Learn best ways to define your coaching niche, build visibility, get new clients, and price coaching packages.
How Do You work With Nutrition Coaching Clients
- Listen to assess what their current situation is.
- Determine mindset that is influencing their behaviors.
- Find out their desired goals.
- Look at any underlying health conditions or lifestyle habits contributing to health conditions.
- Form new empowering beliefs and behaviors.
- Track and hold accountable to new desired behaviors.

The Key Skills Necessary for Nutrition Coaching Success
When it comes to being a successful nutrition coach, you need three basic skills: the ability to assess their current situation, analyze their current behaviors and beliefs, and become a changemaker to encourage healthy new behaviors, and helping clients achieve results.
Before you work with someone you need to evaluate where they are at. What is their
body composition, medications, allergies, health issues, measurements, mindset, lifestyle, goals, and desired outcomes.
Then take a snapshot of what the client is eating and doing on a daily basis. You have to know where they are at before you can create change. This includes any feelings of guilt, lack of confidence, and other non body positive feelings.
Steps to Becoming a Successful Nutritional Coach
The first step to becoming a successful nutritional coach is the decision to actually do it. Then you need to find what work you’d like to do as a nutritional coach and who you’d like to help.
Next, determine if you need any additional nutrition training to become a coach. What classes, courses, certification would help you be leading edge in your area of coaching?
What does an ideal nutritional coach practice look like for you? Do you want to do individual coaching, group coaching, teach virtually, start a membership organization? Do you want a side hustle or to work full time? Do you want to work locally or virtually with clients?
What would you like to name your business? This could use your individual name like “Jane Smith Nutrition Coach”. It could say what your coaching is about, such as; “Cancer Nutrition Coach”. It could define your geographic name like “New York Nutrition Coach”. It could define your area of expertise like “Hollywood Actor Nutrition Coach”.
Check to see if your coaching name is available in a domain name to reserve it. If it’s not available in the dot.com version, you may want to get a different name. You don’t want a name that can be confused with competitive coaches.
Register your domain name as a “DBA”, Doing Business As. After your DBA application is complete you can get a business checking account in your name.
Setup a Facebook Page in your new business name. Go to facebook.com/pages/create. Select the type of page you want to create. This will serve as your new social home to connect with potential clients and build engagement.
Price Packages and Services. What types of nutrition coaching packages would you like to offer and what will you charge for them?.
Now it’s time to tell the world about your new life as a nutrition coach. Develop a short elevator speech about who you help, what you do, and the results you create.
What do you help people do?
Eat better without feeling deprived
Ditch food rules and drop fad diets
Lose weight you haven’t been able to drop in years
Feel bold and confident about your body
Choose healthy foods without worry
Maintain better energy levels
Look better and feel great in all your clothes
Make food your friend forever
Who do you help?
New moms, athletes, diabetics, cancer patients, executives, middle age persons, men and/or women with health issues, actors, people with chronic disease.
Building Relationships and Awareness
Now that you have set up shop and know what you are offering, it’s time to tell the world. Start off with the people you already know. Tell friends and family. Tell people on your social media friend list. Tell all the business professionals you know.

Post an announcement about your new business on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Send an email to all the people in your list. Mail a warm introduction note to your former professional colleagues to tell them about your new business venture. Once you create a systematic approach to finding clients, your business will be a real success.
Get involved in social groups where your ideal clients hang out online. Share insightful answers to posts. As a natural result of sharing value, people will reach out to you wanting to learn more. You can then invite them to have a free consultation with you.
At the free consultation, you can learn more about them, what they are experiencing now, what their future vision is, what that future would mean for them emotionally, what obstacles they are experiencing, and what they have valued about your conversation together. This sets the stage for you to share programs that are a perfect fit to help them realize their goals.
Being a Nutritional Coach is Easy, Making a Living as a Nutritional Coach is Harder
Sadly a lot of incredible nutritional coaches make a very mediocre salary. According to Glassdoor, the national average salary for a Nutritional Health Coach is $46,764 in the United States. This is because they don’t know how to price their services and get new clients. You need to know your worth!
Most nutrition coaches understand the science of nutrition. They understand the art of coaching to achieve desired behavioral changes and results. But what they lack is the business building skills. This is what keeps many coaches stuck and starving. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
That’s why our High Impact Coaching programs focus heavily on the business of being a nutrition coach. We help nutrition coaches to earn their first $100,000 or more, even if they are just starting out as a nutrition coach with our proven methods.
We help you overcome the biggest hurdles that most coaches have with ease!
We’ll show you exactly where to find your ideal clients and how to engage with them in a meaningful way.
We’ll show you how to do a perfect consultation that assesses their current situation, the goals that they would like to achieve, and how you can help them achieve their goals.
Plus, we’ll show you how to value-price your services so perfect clients are drawn to work with you and excited and eager to apply your methods to get results.
Our High Impact coaching program helps you discover the right direction to take, the fastest way to make progress, and the practical steps required to build the career of your dreams in nutrition coaching.
Biggest Mistakes that Nutrition Coaches Make
One of the biggest mistakes that we see nutrition coaches make is they jump right in spending thousands of dollars on a flashy website. Often once this “amazing” website is up, they will find no clients are coming in.
One of the things we teach in our High Impact Coaching program is that you should take time to get a following of clients and discover the message and branding that works. That way you don’t build a website until you truly understand the needs of your audience and the language they respond to.

The same is true of starting a coaching blog. When you spend time writing a blog post that no one reads, is it really of value to your business?. You need to spend time in the trenches talking and listening to your clients before you write blog posts. That way you know deep down (not from a guessing standpoint) what your audience needs to hear.
New nutrition coaches struggle to get a consistent, predictable cash flow. They never know from one day to the next what their paycheck will be. That uncertainty leads to stress.
Another mistake rookie nutrition coaches make is trying to help everyone. When you try to be a superhero to all people no one cares. But when you speak clearly to the needs of a specific group your voice is loud and clear. It allows you to create highly customized solutions that create specific results. No one wants to be coached. Everyone wants to achieve results. When you create a specific outcome that a targeted group of people can achieve, then you can be a top player in that niche.
Don’t assume that clients will come to you. A big majority of your time will need to be spent in business marketing, lead generation, and sales. The truth is you don’t need a sales funnel, tons of content, big coaching launches, or endless YouTube videos to promote your nutrition coaching business. In these times, empathetic marketing about serving others is far more effective than hard sell methods. That’s why we teach “non sleazy” client enrollment techniques in High Impact Coaching.
Let Us Help You Create A High Impact Nutrition Coach Business
We are experts at building high profit coaching businesses online. We have successfully taught thousands of people how to do what we do. We are passionate about helping individuals to dramatically increase their income selling what they know. We would love to share the exact process with you that we are using right now with great results. We will help you use it and model it for your own business. We can help you package your offerings and position them in a way to make more than you thought possible, faster than you thought possible. Click here to learn more about how I could help make your Nutrition Coaching business a huge success. https://zanderfryer.com/programs/