How To Get Coaching Clients Fast! (Sharing My Best Strategies)
If I could help you attract clients, without a big fancy website, big email list or without being some big online guru would you want to know more?
Some of you have solid offerings but are struggling to generate consistent income. Either you don’t have time to do the marketing activities that would generate high quality leads or what you are doing isn’t working. You want a better way to generate consistent income but you don’t know how to figure it out.
I’ve also personally experienced what it’s like to massively thrive in a business that generates a consistent high six and seven figure income. After years with a solid track record of helping thousands of coaches like you skyrocket their confidence and cash flow, I have found that the number one struggle they have is having the right message to share.
This article will help you gain clarity for your brand and to actually implement it successfully to create the success you desire. It all comes down to creating an irresistible offer and getting in front of people who are ready to buy.
You need a reliable way to generate sales calls every week for your business. You need a way to sort out the serious clients who are ready to rock versus the tire kickers who are wasting your time.
The first part of your client attraction system is a compelling story. Potential clients want to know who you are, what you’ve been through, what your unique approach is, and the results you have helped people achieve. This immediately sets you apart from other coaches. You are the only one who has lived your personal success story. The journey you have taken has taught you valuable insights that shape your unique style of coaching. Think about what setbacks you have experienced and what they taught you. These experiences have taught you valuable insights that help you speak directly with wisdom to clients overcoming that same challenge.
Create a signature system. People don’t buy coaching, they buy specific results. So lead with a program that delivers results in the area of your expertise. If you are a marathon winner that gleaned lessons on success from preparing for your competitions, you can create a Winners Circle program that takes insights from athletic success and applies it to your business.
Build your tribe online. Now that you are clear about who you are and created a unique coaching approach, you need to build a following online. Creating a Facebook Group will allow you to interact and build personal connections with potential customers. Relationships build trust. When people trust you, they want to go deeper with your offerings. Create a call to action in your Facebook group inviting people to a discovery call.
Create content. People want to check you out for free to see if they connect with what you share and if it solves their problems. Content marketing lets you share your wisdom in webinars, blog articles, email newsletters, freebies, social posts and more.
Tap into the Power of Video. Video marketing is such a powerful relationship building tool. It grabs their attention and connects with people emotionally. Now instead of words on paper, you are with them in living breathing color to connect.
Share value first. It’s so important when you connect with potential clients for them to feel a sense of caring. They want to know that you truly want to help them and aren’t just out for the money. Be sincere and offer value.
Move from individual coaching to group offerings. Your time is the most valuable asset you have. That’s why it’s really important to leverage your knowledge and time in a way that makes you the biggest income. Once you get people into smaller ticket items, they may be interested in trying your other offerings like VIP days, Masterminds, Monthly Membership programs, etc.
Master Conversions. Are you tired of having one-on-one consultations with potential clients who say “This all sounds really great but I can’t afford it right now. Let me think about it…”. How many clients have slipped through your fingers because you didn’t know what to say during a consultation? By learning basic and proven strategies for being more “enrolling” during your consultations, you can fill your business with clients quickly, in a way that will feel good to you. Making offers to people who can say yes is the fastest path to cash.
I hope this article gives you some guidance on how to start attracting clients online. Try these strategies and you’ll get up and running with clients, as well as confidence and cash flow in record time. Once you start building your online tribe and getting a taste of what it’s like to generate $10,000 – $20,000 -$30,000 a month in revenue from your coaching business, the sky’s the limit.