How to Become a Successful Business Coach (What You Need to Know!)
Are you thinking about becoming a business coach? Have you always been the person people go to when they need to have a problem solved? Are you a natural motivator and keep people moving forward? Are you able to prioritize and help others focus on what really matters? What’s amazing is the giant leap that really propelled you forward in your own business. Once you discovered the key, you were able to apply these same principles helping other business owners too. Does this sound like you?

If so, you definitely have what it takes to become a successful business coach. You have a positive mindset. You are a great communicator who asks powerful questions. You know how to be empathetic and truly understand your clients needs. You know how to hold others accountable in their goals. You are well versed in all areas of business from sales, marketing, pr, customer service, recruiting, operations, finance etc. You are a lifelong learner always at the top of your game. You really walk your talk with a proven track record of success in your own endeavors.
Now that you have had your own success, you are excited about becoming a business coach. You’ll get to choose your own clients and schedule. You’ll have the flexibility to schedule your work around your life. You can create a legacy by empowering other business owners to succeed.
Imagine yourself like one of the investors on Shark Tank. You can see business owners sharing their business dreams, their achievements and what’s holding them back. As their business coach, you can be the one to help them transform their business results.
More businesses are started every day today than at any point in history. As a direct result, the business coaching industry is growing exponentially to cater to these new business owners. Business owners want to get more clients, enjoy more success and to work less while earning more.Â
As a business coach you’ll help clients experience business breakthroughs as they:
- develop a winning mindset
- generate more quality leads
- enroll more ideal clients
- position themselves for premium pricing
- increase revenues
- boost conversions
If you know you want to become a business coach and create profound impact… this article is for you. I will show you how to launch a business coaching practice and make real money as a successful business coach.
What’s Needed to Become a Business Coach and Make a Living Doing What You Love
There are a few basic things you need to become a successful business coach. Business coaching is a thought-provoking, introspective, and creative process. First you need a desire to help others. Second, you need great people skills and communication. Lastly you need to have strong business acumen and demonstrated success.

There are many types of business coaches. I am sure you have heard business coaches go by a number of different names including: executive coach, entrepreneurial coach, small business coach, marketing coach, sales coach, profit coach, performance coach, leadership coach, team coach and management coach among others.
Working with people in a business coach capacity requires specialized expertise. While there are some certification programs available, you don’t actually need one to become a business coach. Really, all you need is the ability to help business owners magnify their business results. Having a bachelor’s degree in marketing, entrepreneurship, international business, operations management, human resources, organizational psychology finance, or project management is helpful, but not necessary.
Growing a business isn’t always easy. That’s why many struggling business owners seek professional help to improve their business results. So it’s important that they hire the right type of business coach to meet their needs.
To be a successful business coach requires passion, patience, communication skills and a dedication to continual personal growth. You need to learn the art of coaching. Plus you’ll need to get and keep a steady flow of clients.
What I do recommend is finding a mentor to scale and grow your business coaching practice. While you may be an expert at your area of business, you have probably never built a profitable coaching business before. So it’s smart to work with a business coaching mentor to get the tools, systems, and tactics to help you grow faster.
There is ONE major differentiator between successful business coaches and coaches who are struggling.
That differentiator is what you sell.

Average coaches sell coaching packages. Highly successful business coaches sell a very specific result for a very specific client. What I mean by that is that people aren’t looking for your service, product, or your program. They’re looking for results.
HINT: That’s one of the #1 things that I teach coaches in my High Impact Coaching Program.
Besides that, in order to improve your clients business results, you will need to look at what obstacles are holding them back. When you know what their greatest business pains are, you can recommend specific actions to improve their situation.
Here Are the Steps to Become a Successful Business Coach
Discover your motivation. What really excites you about becoming a business coach? Do you love helping others? Do you have a knack for sales? Are you a creative problem solver? Are you passionate about taking businesses to the next level? Did you build your own six and seven figure business and want to empower others to do the same? Knowing your reason why will give you power and motivation to build your business.
Educate yourself. While you may be a whiz with marketing, you may not know how to pass that knowledge onto others. Or perhaps you are already a business coach but want to take your own business to the next level. You’ll want to work with someone who has built a successful coaching business so you can make yours profitable.
Focus on a niche. There has to be one specific aspect of business coaching that really thrills you. Or perhaps there is a targeted demographic you love working with? Maybe you love enhancing diversity and inclusion in business? Or do you love coaching women start ups? When you choose a small focused target audience, it’s easier to stand out and succeed.
Want business coaching clients? Make sure you have your network in place. The most important action you will take as a business coach is to create a network and make the most from it. Seek and nurture relationships with friends, colleagues, coworkers, neighbors and acquaintances. These people in your warm market already know who you are. Tell them that you are doing business coaching and ask who they know that could use some help.

Business coaching offers. You will need to create a list of the business coaching services you will offer. This could be everything from one on one coaching, group coaching, products, webinars and more.
Set up a business coaching Facebook page. If you need to get more coaching clients, fast, Facebook is the place to go. With 2.27 billion active monthly users, establishing a presence on Facebook provides incredible exposure and allows you to engage in a real way with your followers and potential clients.
Marketing. A number of proven marketing strategies can enable business coaches to create pipelines of new, motivated clients willing to pay a premium for services. When it comes to marketing yourself as a coach and gaining more clients to grow your thriving business, there are, luckily, several tried-and-true strategies you can rely on. One of the fastest ways to cut through the noise of your competitors is to differentiate. You can use content marketing to give away free valuable content. For instance creating a free downloadable guide can help you grow your mailing list. Position yourself at the top by charging premium rates. Ask for referrals.
As a business coach you will need to:
- Define your ideal client.
- Determine your marketing goals.
- Find a way to position yourself uniquely in the marketplace.
- Research your competition.
- Determine which marketing channels will reach your target audience.
- Develop a marketing calendar to align your sales and marketing efforts. .
Success story. Before people hire you, they want to know what made you the success you are today. A success story is like a rags to riches story. You share where you started, your problem, actions taken, results achieved, and how you helped others achieve that same success with your unique method.
Finding clients. There’s a goldmine of clients to be found online. Look for groups that your ideal customers would hang out in. Find start up groups. Look for women’s entrepreneurial groups. Find coaches wanting to create a 6 figure business. Join these groups. Be helpful. Offer answers. Naturally you will attract people who want to know more about what you do.
Be an Expert. People love to work with experts. Some ways to showcase your expertise come from writing articles, books, and documented results with clients. When you are seen as an expert you’ll attract higher quality clients. You can charge higher fees. It will attract media, joint ventures, and speaking opportunities.

The truth is, people don’t buy business coaching, they buy solutions. They are focused on ROI. So business coaches need to create quantifiable and measurable outcomes for their clients. For example no one wants to sign up for a 6 week coaching course to improve productivity. But everyone wants to take a program to double your income in 90 Days. One sells coaching, the other sells results.
When you look at the numbers it’s apparent how many people need business coaching. Without question, the demand for business coaching is extensive and growing very quickly. Coaching is estimated to be a $2 billion industry in the U.S. As a business coach, you give clients the upper hand as their businesses grow and evolve. You will support clients to move forward and hold them responsible while they strive for success.
Business coaching can help clients break through barriers that are holding them back and focus on the actions necessary to achieve their goals. Most people are not even coming close to reaching their potential. They are stuck with old thinking, old habits, and old systems that do not serve them. A successful business is like a well oiled machine. When you have a clear vision, goals, and support, you can fast track their success.
So many business owners are struggling to grow their business. When you become a business coach, you can make such a difference in their lives.
Your clients are looking for a plan to move forward. They feel overwhelmed. They are burning the candle at both ends. They need to prioritize and delegate. They need new systems in place. They need resources to support their desired growth. They need to embrace a positive mindset and unstoppable confidence. You can free them from this rut and help them to fly.
You may be wondering what type of business coach to become. There are a variety of opportunities for business coaches. Below are a few to consider. See what best matches your skills, experience and interests.
Business coaches work with business owners to help them expand their success.
Marketing coaches work with business owners to recommend best marketing strategies and processes to meet their goals.
Sales coaches work with individuals and team members to improve their sales processes and results.
Performance coaches work with business owners or professionals to help them reach their full potential.
Executive coaches enhance leadership performance and development.
Entrepreneurial coaches guide startups and business owners in growing their business and increasing their profitability.
Small business coaches assist small business owners with the unique challenges of managing and scaling a small business.
Profit coaches help business owners to increase profits and grow revenue.
Leadership coaches help clients transform themselves and their organizations through personal growth, communication, and motivation.
Team building coaches improve the performance of teams by finding problems, instilling new behaviors, and supporting the team to achieve their goals.
How to Scale and Grow Your Business Coaching Business?
Wouldn’t you like to be among the highest paid, most sought after business coaches in your industry?
Although the business coaching industry itself is growing at a phenomenal rate, only a small percentage of coaches are actually making a 6-figure income.
My High Impact coaching programs will radically increase your ability to build a 6 or even 7-figure business coaching practice.

Has your journey to become a business coach left you drowning in all the strategies, systems, blueprints, and advice, without a way to discern them? Do you feel confused and unclear about the next steps for growing your business coaching practice?
Imagine attracting high-end clients creating deeply transformational results, keeping clients longer, and making more money in your business coaching business.
If you want to be an in-demand business coach, I’m going to show you exactly how I did it and give you that exact plan right here. LINK
High Impact Coaching is the fastest, easiest, and most reliable system for getting more business coaching clients than you can handle.
Zander Fryer
Any other questions? Don’t be shy. Contact me. Let’s see what we can do together.