Big Mistakes You Are Making Now: Why Every Coach Needs a Coach to Win Big!
Are you a new coach? Maybe you just decided to begin your coaching career. Or perhaps you have been at it for a while but aren’t achieving the success and income you desire. So now what? Being an online coach is different from almost every other type of profession. To truly be successful requires mentoring with someone who has achieved the level of success that you are wanting to achieve.

Let’s talk about the red flags you may be seeing now in your business.
- You paid thousands for a fancy coaching website but aren’t getting the traffic or lead generation you hoped from it.
- You are super stressed and working long hours (and often weekends) to make your business work and still not getting everything done.
- You started a blog and aren’t getting comments or leads from it.
- You have a Facebook profile but it’s like an empty parking lot. You can hear crickets. No one knows you exist except your cousin and best friend.
- You have done a few free consultations but don’t seem to get anyone signing up for your coaching program.
- You want to ramp up your business to get a consistent cash flow.
- You secretly wonder if you really have what it takes to be successful in your coaching business.
It’s Time You Hired a Coach For Your Coaching Business
They have been in your shoes. They know what it’s like to be a coach. They have broken through all the barriers to achieve the kind of success that you’d like to achieve.
Here’s What a Success Coach Can Do To Help You Grow Your Business Fast
- Purpose. They’ll help you zero in on what you are passionate about, your gifts, and the unique impact you can make in the world. You want impact, freedom, and income. When you define your “why” it will help you move forward with unlimited power and belief to achieve your goals.
- Mindset. They’ll help you identify your limiting beliefs and create new empowering beliefs that will supercharge your success. Often we are our own biggest obstacle. We let fear or doubt get in our way. We feel like we don’t deserve success. We have a fear of failure. We are worried about ridicule or judgement. We don’t feel like we have enough resources to build our dream. A coach can help you reframe these beliefs to energize your mission.
- Messaging. This is something many coaches struggle with. Until you master how to speak about what you do in a way that resonates with others, your business will never take off. Having someone with more experience can help you fashion messaging that is perfectly targeted to your audience. You want to use the language they use. You want to speak at their level. You want to show how your solution helps their pain points. A coach who mentors coaches to grow and scale their business can help you laser focus this messaging.

- Lead Generation. The sad reality is that when you set up a coaching business, people don’t come knocking down your door. You need to learn the art of how and where to find leads. How do you reach out to them? What do you say to engage them? Where does your target audience hang out? A coach can give you a blueprint of what to say, where to say it, and how to build relationships that lead to business.
- Packing your Offerings. If you sell your coaching by the hour you will soon find out how difficult it is to line up enough clients to make a living. A coach will tell you that pricing coaching by the hour will leave you broke. Instead you need to create a Signature Program that is priced on the solutions you provide for the client. For example a program that promises “Lose 20 lbs in a Month” for X price is going to do way better than 4 hours of weight loss coaching at X per hour. People are excited to pay for solutions. A coach can help you package your program in a way to generate desired results and position yourself as the expert in that space. This is one of the things we teach in our High Impact Coaching Program. We help coaches move from zero to a 6-figure business even if they are just starting out.
- Planning Content. Most coaches know about the importance of sharing content with their current and prospective clients. They usually share it on their blog (which we do not recommend to start with!) however this is something that can be effective once you have your target market and messaging totally dialed in. With that said, most coaches are not strategic about what content they share when. A coach can help you create a content calendar that not only showcases your unique genius but coordinates perfectly to support all your offerings. (Can you say Ka-ching?)
- Website. Sadly, most coaches waste thousands of dollars and needless time building a website before they nail down their messaging. How can you know what is truly effective and resonates with your audience until you have found what is tried and true out? That’s why we advise our High Impact Coaching clients NOT to build a website until they have been coaching for at least 6 months and found proven messaging.
- Sales. This is probably one of the biggest places most coaches fail. You may have an area of expertise, but few have proven experience in sales. A coach can give you a proven blueprint for where to find leads, how to build rapport, and how to enroll clients into your programs. Having the right mindset and confidence is key or you can blow this. The non salesy approach to enrolling clients is one of our High Impact Clients favorite things about our program. We give you a proven script that makes it easy.
- Success Habits. There are proven things that leaders do everyday that help them get ahead. Scheduling your days and weeks to accommodate these tasks is important. A coach can help you review your calendar, daily tasks, and help you build successful habits that keep you on top.
How to Choose a Coach Who Resonates With You
So you realize that now is the time to work with a coach. How do you choose the right one for you? Here are some guidelines below.
- Proven Success. They have generated the success that you would like to realize in your business. So you know they have the systems, beliefs, and methods to help you grow your business too.

- Leadership. You feel this person can help you connect to and grow you into the leader you need to be.
- Identify Blind Spots. Most high-achievers know that they can’t see their own blind spots but hiring a coach will help them achieve more than they ever could on their own. They can help you build a strong mindset around money and success. The moment you shift your mindset, you gain the momentum that increases your business to the next level.
- Spots Hidden Opportunities. When you speak to a coach and they hear about your business they can immediately see holes in what you are doing and hidden opportunities that you can exploit to grow.
- Boost Cash Flow. Part of what’s limiting you now is the way you are pricing your products and services. A coach will help you radically transform your pricing so that people are excited to pay for your solutions.
- Positioning for Growth. A good coach can help you take what you offer and position it with an irresistible offer. That way you are a one of a kind instead of being just another commodity.
- Scale. Working with a coach can shorten your path and improve your results. A Coach helps you enjoy better success today, but also scale your business for massive growth tomorrow.
- You Click. You have an initial free consultation with them and it lights your heart on fire. You really resonate with who they are, their energy, and their approach.
High Impact Coaching is specifically designed to help you build more success and cash flow in your business. Our program is specifically designed to give you the proven step-by-step marketing and business fundamentals you need to get more clients and make more money to ramp-up your business.
Ready to take that next step? Apply for a free consultation here!