3 Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Delegating
We all hear as entrepreneurs that the Holy Grail is: You want to get to the point where you’re making enough money to delegate all the tasks you NEVER want to do so that you’re left with this beautiful life of just being you, just being the genius, be able to create, be able to live, coach, love, make a ton of money while you have everybody else doing all your sh*t.
And the truth is, it’s perfectly doable, but you have to know how to do it right. Let’s dig into the 3 Mistakes everybody makes trying to get to that life, and what you need to be aware of to successfully reach that point in your business.
Remember, You didn’t sign up for easy, you signed up for impact!
In This Episode:
- 3 Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs make when delegating.
- Debunking the myth that you’re the only one that can do the work properly.
- Why you need to avoid delegating too early.
- The importance of learning how to do the task properly yourself first.
- Why you need to make sure that your team is getting coached, getting feedback, and constantly getting better.
- The main reason why you need to acknowledge that there’s a learning curve when it comes to delegating.
And whenever you are ready to get our help building or scaling your coaching business, here are some resources you can use below:
- Check out our FREE 7-step video training to build a profitable coaching business >HERE<
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- If you are interested in our programs to help you build a profitable coaching business you can review them >HERE< and set up a free 15 clarity call with one of our coaches to help see if we might be able to help.