Leave Your 9-5 Job & NEVER Go Back (I Did & You Can Too)
My mom hung up the phone on me when I told her I was quitting my 9-5 job. A job where I made over $200k a year to pursue an idea that wasn’t a guarantee.
Everyone thought that I had lost my mind. Friends, family, (now former) coworker…. EVERYONE.
But for me, I KNEW that I need to do it… or at the very least TRY.
You know that feeling in your stomach that you get when you know something INSANE was about to happen? Well, I had that. I didn’t know if the insane thing was going to be a ton of success, money, and lifestyle freedom or complete financial ruin & lifelong embarrassment for this failed dream… but either way, I had to try.
So my journey began & in the beginning… I thought anyone could be an entrepreneur with the proper amount of gumption & the right resources.
But since going through the struggles & ultimately finding success while creating my own blueprint for it – I’ve found that not everyone is meant to leave the 9-5 world.
After years of my own struggle & success & years watching & helping others build theirs…. I’ve noticed that there are 3 things that you MUST have to survive life after the 9-5.
In today’s video, we discuss in depth what those things are.
Let’s get into it!
And whenever you are ready to get our help building or scaling your coaching business, here are some resources you can use below:
- Check out our FREE 7-step video training to build a profitable coaching business >HERE<
- Join thousands of coaches in our FREE Facebook community >HERE<
- If you are interested in our programs to help you build a profitable coaching business you can review them >HERE< and set up a free 15 clarity call with one of our coaches to help see if we might be able to help.
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