Today, I’m explaining my thoughts on this shelter in place and what’s next for online businesses for the next couple of months, as well as revealing a few things about how I got influenced to this coaching world after quitting my job at Cisco, and my journey to become a coach. Find out my “aha” moment, why I decided to leave college, and pay attention to these basic requirements for ANYONE to become a 6-figure entrepreneur!

You will learn:

  • What’s coming for online businesses for the next 6 or 9 months.
  • Why not everyone can run a business from home.
  • The best motivator to take action.
  • How I realized I didn’t need any college and became a coach.
  • Why you have to have faith (whether religious or not).
  • My influence to become a coach after leaving Cisco.

And whenever you are ready to get our help building or scaling your coaching business, here are some resources you can use below:

  1. Check out our FREE 7-step video training to build a profitable coaching business >HERE<
  2. Join thousands of coaches in our FREE Facebook community >HERE<
  3. If you are interested in our programs to help you build a profitable coaching business you can review them >HERE< and set up a free 15 clarity call with one of our coaches to help see if we might be able to help.