Sht You Don’t Learn In College

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Bryce Henson

029: Bryce Henson || Taking Big Shots

Bryce Henson is a business owner, public speaker, coach, and author with a passion for fitness and changing lives. He is also the CEO of FitBody Bootcamp – the world’s fastest growing fitness bootcamp franchise! With over 10+ years of experience in the fitness industry, Bryce owns 2 FitBody Bootcamp locations, and co-leads the FBBC Elite Mastermind group (an exclusive coaching group for high-performing fitness professionals). You don’t want to miss this episode!

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How Bryce’s parents’ divorce is Godsent
  • Why Bryce carries a coin to remind him of death any moment
  • The one weird thing Bryce does to always keep growing
  • Plus, so much more!!

And don’t forget…

We only spread our message when you share this knowledge with others that need it, so if you enjoy this episode, please share it on your social and tag @zanderfryer, and don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and give us a 5-star rating, so you don’t miss any other great episodes.

For more info on Zander and Sh*t You Don’t Learn In College, go to:

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